What kind of ELD support does the school system provide?

Many schools have English Literacy Development (ELD) programs for children.

Elementary and high schools in Ontario will assess your child at a Newcomer Reception Centre to find out what their language-learning needs are.

ELD courses can help your child read and write in English. ELD courses count towards your child's high school diploma.

Here is a list of some ELD programs:

  • Integrated classroom programs: Your child is placed in a regular classroom and gets English-language support.
  • Intensive or Partial Support: Your child gets literacy support outside of the regular classroom for most or part of the day.
  • Tutorial Support: Your child is taught one-to-one or in a small-group.
  • Other Support: Your child may get help using technology, using special learning materials, or get information about community programs.

For More Information

Last updated: October 29, 2015 4001529