When Children Speak More Than One Language

As a parent of a child who will learn two or more languages, you may have questions. This guide will give you information based on research to help you.

Language is the best tool to help your child do well in school and in life. Many children learn more than one language. Some learn even more than two. Studies show that children with better language skills, in any language, are more likely to:

  • Develop their brain better.
  • Have stronger bonds with their parents.
  • Have better communication skills.
  • Be better prepared for school.

Learning two languages takes time and many occasions to practice. If your child is learning two languages or even a third, your child needs to hear other people use each language often. Your child also needs to practice talking in each language. Talk to your child in the language that feels natural to you.

Last updated: March 2, 2016 4005016