Download this activity in Word97 format
Instructor�s note:
This activity should be done after basic Windows 95 concepts have been introduced.

Check true of false for each of the following statements. Discuss your answer with your group.




1. In Windows 95, you can transfer text and images from one file or program to another.    
2. You need to follow the shut down instructions before switching off your computer.    
3. You can open more than one file or program in Windows 95.    
4. All windows have title bars.    
5. All windows have menu bars.    
6. All menu bars have the same options.    
7. You can use the minimize button to close a window.    
8. You can use the maximize button to enlarge a window to a full size screen.    
9. Scroll bars appear (horizontal and vertical) when there is more information  to see than there is on the screen.    
10. Scroll bars can be used to move through text.    
11. You can have several windows open at the same time.    
12. You can create shortcuts of files or programs on the desktop.    
13. You can restore deleted files from the Recycle Bin.    
14. Basic Windows features are consistent from one application to another.    
15. Click, drag, and double-click have different functions in Windows 95.    
16. The mouse pointer changes shape depending on its location on the screen.