Instructions: Read the following case studies of various problems related to customer service. In groups, decide on the appropriate courses of action.

  1. Gus and Kathleen Nikoletsos purchased a brand new car from a reputable dealership. After driving it for just one month, they began having many problems with it. The air conditioner did not work and the car was leaking oil. One day, while driving on a busy highway, there was a loud bang and the car stopped running. The engine had seized. Gus had the car towed back to the dealership where one of the mechanics informed him that the engine was completely destroyed. The car dealership offered to rebuild the engine which Gus refused. He wanted a new car like the one he had. The dealer refused to give him a new car but instead offered the retail value of the one they bought after it was taken off the lot. (In Canada, a car depreciates by up to 20% as soon as it leaves the dealership parking lot). This offer was also not acceptable to Gus.

  2. Susan Wong wanted to have her kitchen renovated. She looked in the yellow pages and got the names of several companies that might be able to do the job. She got estimates from 5 different contractors and decided to give the job to the company that offered her the cheapest price. Before starting the work, the contractor told her that she would have to pay him 25% of the estimated amount so that he could buy the materials he needed to start the job. Susan gave him a cheque for the amount. After five days, he told her he needed another 50% of the estimated amount to be able to finish the work. Susan gave him another cheque. The next day, the contractor did not show up for work and Susan has not seen or heard from him since. When she tried calling his telephone number, a message tells her that the number is not in service.

  3. Dina Nikolaena came to Canada 4 months ago. She recently bought a lawn mower from a small store in the shopping mall close to her home. After using it three or four times, the lawn mower started to make strange noises. She took it back to the store but unfortunately she did not have the receipt any more. The salesclerk told her that without a receipt, she would not be able to return it. When Dina tried to insist, the salesclerk became angry and started yelling at her. Dina found it difficult to argue with the man because of her English. She didn�t know what to do.

  4. Helen bought a package of brand name diapers for her two-year-old son. One day she noticed that her son�s upper leg was bleeding because of a large scratch. When she inspected the diaper he was wearing, she found a small piece of plastic sticking out from it that was rubbing against his leg. She was very upset.