At work, Randy is a very friendly man who gets
along well with everyone. At home, he�s a different person. He�s
always very angry and yells a lot at his wife, Marcia. Sometimes he even
hits their 3-year-old son. Marcia tries very hard to please her husband
by preparing nice dinners for him, buying his favourite sweets and
making sure the house is clean and tidy when he comes home from work.
But it seems that no matter what she does, or how hard she tries, it is
never good enough. Randy still criticizes her and tells her she is
Last week, Randy and Marcia were sitting at the dinner table with
their son, Thomas. Thomas did not want to finish his dinner. This made
Randy very angry and he started yelling at him. When the boy began to
cry, Randy slapped him across the face and told him not to be such a
sissy. This made Thomas cry even louder. When Marcia tried to calm the
boy down, Randy began hitting her and telling her that she is to blame
for Thomas� poor eating habits. Randy tells his wife that she is a bad
mother. Then he hits her in the face and throws her to the floor.
The next morning, Randy feels sorry. He tells Marcia that he loves
her and will never hit her again. When he comes home that night, he
brings her flowers. Marcia feels guilty and confused. She asks herself,
"How can I be a better wife?"
Adapted from: Wife Abuse Education, A Resource Book for ESL Teachers;
The Ministry of Citizenship, 1995
Instructions: Without looking at the story, write �before�
in front of sentences that describe what happened before Randy hits
Marcia in the face, �after� for those that describe what occurred
after the event or �during" for those that describe what is
happening during the event.
1. ______ Thomas does not want to finish his dinner.
2. ______ Randy criticizes Marcia and tells her she is stupid.
3. ______ Marcia feels guilty and confused.
4. ______ Marcia tries to do her best to please Randy.
5. ______ Randy slaps Thomas and tells him not to be a sissy.
6. ______ Randy brings Marcia some flowers and tells her he loves
7. ______ Randy accuses Marcia of being a bad mother.
8. ______ Randy hit Marcia in the face and threw her to the ground.