Instructions: Read the pamphlet "How to Become a Canadian Citizen" (Minister of Government Services, 1994). After reading the pamphlet, look at the sentences below and check (4 ) the statements that are inaccurate or untrue.
1. A person with a criminal record can become a Canadian citizen.

2. You will have to do a citizenship test in writing.

3. You have to live in Canada for three out of four years before the day you apply for citizenship.

4. To become a citizen you must know enough English and French to carry on a simple conversation.

5. You need to include a recent photograph with the citizenship application. You are not allowed to wear a head covering in the photo unless you have to wear one for religious reasons.

6. You can get an "Application for Citizenship" form by writing the Citizenship Office in Ottawa.

7. If your children were born in Canada, they are automatically Canadian citizens and you do not have to fill out an application for them.

8. When you meet with the citizenship officer, you will have to swear that everything you have said is true.

9. Remember to send a cheque or money order for your application fee with your application, photographs and documents.

10. You will be given your citizenship certificate at thecitizenship ceremony.











* Copies of the pamphlet "How to Become a Canadian Citizen" can be obtained from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration.