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Experienced/Advanced Computer Task: Use the Outline features (promote, demote, move up, move down, expand, collapse) to sub-bullet the following steps for filing an income tax return. Break each sentence using outlining bullets and sub-bullets.

For example: Tax dollars in Canada help pay for Education (including primary, secondary, post secondary) and Health Care; will be outlined as:

1. Education:
  • primary
  • secondary
  • post secondary
2. Health Care


  1. Before you begin, make sure you have a T4 slip from all your employers, an application form, and all the schedules you will need to fill out.

  2. Call any employers who have not sent you a T4 slip.

  3. Make sure you have all the receipts (e.g. medical receipts, receipts for donations, child care, etc.) that you will be claiming on your income tax.

  4. Find out if you are eligible for child tax benefits or a GST rebate.

  5. Fill out two copies. The original goes to the government and a copy is for your records.

  6. Attach the original receipts, schedules, T4�s and direct deposit information to the tax return you are sending the government and attach the duplicate copies to your copy.

  7. Before mailing your income tax return, check that you have added everything correctly, that you have attached all the receipts and that you have included a cheque if you owe the government money.

  8. Mail your income tax return in the envelope provided before April 30.