Computer Level: Experienced/Advanced
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Sample Job Interview Answer in Word 97 format

  1. I need to brush up on my typing skills. I have bought a typing software package and I plan to practise it regularly to gain speed.

  2. I have a few years experience in this field and I accept the going rate.

  3. I am hardworking, reliable, accurate and punctual.

  4. I have the necessary qualifications for this job. I am experienced and honest.

  5. I have a business degree, 5 years experience in business administration, and am familiar with all phases of this job.

  6. Many of the responsibilities in my previous job were similar to this position. In addition, I am hardworking, fast learner and I can learn the new responsibilities in no time.

  7. I am available to work any time and day. I can also work overtime with a day�s notice.

  8. I enjoy working in my field. I see myself growing in it and contributing to the growth of the company I am working for.

  9. I hardly miss work. I only missed 2 days last year.

  10. I have found the customer service personnel very knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. I would like to be part of such a team.

  11. I was hired on contract for 9 months which ended last month.