Sample OHIP Application Form (download in Word97 format)

A. Personal Information

Last Name

First Name

Middle Name

Male Female

Date of Birth (year/month/day)


Language Preference
English French

Have you ever had on Ontario Health Number?
Yes No

If Yes, what number?


Home Telephone No.
( )

No phone

Work or other telephone no
( )

Have you recently left the Canadian Forces, RCMP, or a federal penitentiary? Yes No

If yes, were you discharged? (y/m/d)

B. Mailing Address

Street no. and name, P.O. box no., R. R., General Delivery

Apartment no.



Postal Code


C. Residence address if different from mailing address

Street no. and name, lot, concession, township




Postal Code

D. Residence in Ontario

Have you lived in Ontario since birth? Yes No
If No, complete this section. If Yes, go to section E.

How long do you plan to live in Ontario? Permanently p Until

Are you a student? Yes No

Where did you move from?

 (Student number and name)





When did you move to Ontario? (y/m/d) 

When did you leave the above address? (y/m/d)

Former telephone no.

If you moved from another part of Canada, were you covered by a government health plan? Yes No

If Yes, what was your health number?

Are you a Canadian Citizen returning to Canada? Yes     No

Are you an immigrant returning to Canada? Yes         No

Are you a new immigrant?

E. Citizenship Status

Canadian Citizen Aboriginal Landed Immigrant Convention Refugee Other

F. Agreement

I confirm that:
-I make my permanent and principal home in Ontario.
-I will be living in Ontario for at least 6 months (183 days) in the 12-month period immediately after this application.
-If there is a change in name, address, immigration, or citizenship status, I must tell the Ministry of Health within 30 days of the change.
-The information I have given in this application, and in the documents I have provided, is true and accurate.
-The Ministry of Health may check my resident status and any information I have given in this form and in the documents I have provided.
I understand that:
-For verification, this form may be collected from, and disclosed to, government and non-government organizations if the law allows it.

Signature of applicant
legal guardian



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