Jigsaw: divide the class into three groups. Each group reads one section. They then regroup (one member from every group) and exchange stories. Groups discuss the dilemma and report to class.

The mother:
My name is Mary and my teenage daughter, Mia, is 15 years old. I have worked very hard all my life to provide for my family. I didn�t go to college because I found out that I was pregnant when I was sixteen and I had to drop out of school. I was never able to find a decent paying job because of my low education. Mia told me last week that she was pregnant. I told her that she should get an abortion. I don�t want her to go through what I did when I was her age. I want her to go to college and find a well-paying job.

The step father:
My name is George and I have been married to Mary for the past nine years. I married her because she was a good woman who worked hard and had a little girl. All I wanted for us was to be a happy family. I made plans for Mia to go to college so that she�d be successful in her life. Mary and I started saving for Mia�s education seven years ago. Last night I found out Mia is pregnant. She has ruined all our plans. I want her to leave my house. I don�t want to see her ever again. She doesn�t deserve all that we have done for her.

The daughter:
My name is Mia and I am fifteen years old. I live with my mom, Mary, and my stepfather, George. I am on the honor roll in my school and doing very well. I have lots of great friends. I started seeing Jason, a seventeen-year-old guy in my school last year. He is very handsome with large blue eyes and he is very tall. We fell in love and I started spending all my time with him. My marks started to fall but I didn�t care. All I could think about was Jason. Mom and George kept telling me that I should concentrate on my studies, but I didn�t. Last month I realized that I was pregnant! What a shock! I am not prepared to be a mother yet! But as time goes by, I am growing more and more attached to this baby. Jason has said that he will leave me if I decide to keep the baby. Mom says I should get an abortion, but I really want to keep my baby. Why has the world turned against me?