Read the Ministry of Labour Brochure about Employment Standards Act located at:  
Decide if each of the following statements is true or false.

  • An employee who believes the employer is violating the Employment Standards Act should file a claim as soon as possible.
  • The number of normal working hours is set by the Employment Standards Act.
  • Minimum wage is the lowest hourly wage an employer can pay an employee. Both full-time and part-time employees are covered.
  • To qualify for a paid public holiday, an employee must have worked on the day before, and on the day after the holiday.
  • You are entitled to at least two weeks time off with vacation pay as soon as you are hired.
  • The amount of vacation pay is 4% of the total wages earned in the first month.
  • Pregnancy leave means that pregnant women can take 17 weeks of paid leave from work.
  • Parental leave means natural and new parents can take an unpaid leave of up to 18 weeks from work.
  • If you are on pregnancy leave, you may be eligible for employment insurance maternity benefits. You should file an application with Human Resources Development Canada.
  • An employer can terminate an employee at any time and for any reason even if the employee is on pregnancy leave.
  • The employer is not obliged to give the employee proper written notice of termination, or termination pay in lieu of notice.
  • Severance pay is an extra payment some workers can get as compensation for the years they have put into the employer's business. Every employee is entitled to get severance pay.