Read the following biographies of students. Read the descriptions Financial Assistance Description of types of financial assistance available. Match the student with the most appropriate form of assistance.

  1. Sophie is a single mother and has a two-year-old daughter. She has been living in Ontario for the past 16 months. Sophie had a car accident last year that made her handicapped and wheelchair-bound. She is a talented young artist who graduated from high school six months ago. She has always received top marks in the graphic arts courses that she took in high school. Sophie would like to study Graphic Arts at a community college.
  2. Jerry is twenty-four years old and is born in Ontario. He is a high school graduate and has been working as a bar tender for the past three years. He lives with Sylvie, his common-law wife and they have a one-year-old son. They have been living together for the past four years. Jerry is interested in studying a degree program in the faculty of science of a university.
  3. Maria is a high school graduate who lives with her parents. She works as a server in a restaurant and makes $8700 a year. She pays $200 per month for rent to her parents. Maria is planning to sign up for a college diploma program as a part-time student.
  4. Andrew graduated from university in Business two years ago. He works as a Customer Sales Representative for a large retail store. Recently, Andrew has been helping his manager with sales promotion ideas that have worked so well that resulted in sales increase in the store. A Marketing Management position has become available for which a Master of Business Administration Degree is required. Andrew�s manager is willing to consider him for the job is Andrew signs up for the graduate degree program, but Andrew does not earn enough to afford to pay the tuition fees.

Government-assisted loans and scholarships

  • Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)

  • OSAP Application form


  • Canada Student Loans Program


  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program (OGS)


  • The Aird Scholarship