Sample Scholarship Application Form (download in Word97 format)

Personal Information

Last Name

First Name

Middle Name


Male Female

Date of Birth (year/month/day)


Language Preference

English French

First Language

English French Other

Current Status

Married Common-law Sole support parent separated, divorced, or widowed and you have NO children living with you. You have not been a full time student at a high school or post secondary institution for at least 12 months in a row

Home Telephone No.

( )

No phone

Work or other telephone no

( )

Social Insurance Numger


Do you have a permanent disability?

Yes No

Mailing Address

Street no. and name

Apartment no.



Postal Code



Proposed studies for the 1999-2000 academic year

Discipline Code Discipline name


Proposed level of study

Degree program Diploma Certificate

When did you move to Ontario? (y/m/d)


Have you ever taken full time post-secondary studies?

Yes No

Have you ever had a Canada Student Loan?

Yes No

Are you currently in default on a Canada Student Loan and/or Ontario Student Loan?

Yes No

E. Citizenship Status


Canadian Citizen Permanent Resident Date permanent status received (y/m/d)

F. Agreement

I confirm that:

-I have given complete and true information on this form.

-I must have assistance to continue my post-secondary studies, and I will use this assistance to pay my academic fees first and then to cover educational and living costs related to my studies.

-I will notify the financial aid administrator in writing if my academic, financial, family, or study period status changes because I understand these changes may affect my assessment.

-I am responsible to provide to my financial aid office or the ministry, all the required supporting documentation as requested on this application form.

-I will keep a copy of my application and all supporting documentation in the event that I am required to produce this information for audit and verification purposes.

Signature of applicant
