Give Your Opinion on Payday Loan Costs

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Province of Ontario would like to know your thoughts on how much borrowers should pay for payday loan services. The cost of payday loans is currently a maximum of $21 for every $100 borrowed.  Proposed alternatives are $15, $17 or $19 for every $100 borrowed.

You can give your opinion by emailing [email protected] with “Payday Loan Cost of Borrowing” in the subject line. You can also mail your comments to:

Consumer Policy and Liaison Branch
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
5th Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2J3

Feedback will be accepted until May 20, 2016.

You can find more information on payday loans in the article: What should I know about payday loans?