Where can I learn languages other than English and French?

See if there are lessons in your community to learn your home language or another language. Generally, you have to pay for these lessons but some government programs are free or subsidized.

International Languages

International language programs can help you and your children learn other languages and cultures.

Home Language Literacy

People who are not fully literate in their home language can take a literacy class. These programs teach basic reading and writing skills, which are needed to learn English or French as a second language.

Where to Look

You can find information about these types of programs at:

Private schools or institutes might also have these types of classes. You can search online for different types of language classes in your area.

You can also ask friends and neighbours if they know a private tutor.

For More Information

  • Hold On to Your Home Language - This brochure talks about why children benefit from speaking their family's language and what parents can do to help their children. You can get it in different languages. From Ryerson University.
Last updated: February 25, 2022 4001184