A Guide to Voting in Ontario's Provincial Election

As a Canadian citizen, you can choose who represents you in provincial and territorial politics. During a provincial election, you are voting to select the premier of Ontario.

Provincial and territorial governments in Canada have the power to manage their own public land and make decisions about:

  • Health care - Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP), hospitals and medical services
  • Education - Elementary and secondary school, colleges and universities, job retraining programs
  • Employment - Access to regulated professions and trades, workers' rights
  • Transportation - Highways, driver's licences
  • Services for families - Marriage and birth certificates, some child care services, subsidized housing, community services
  • Some civil and criminal justice

Learn more about the responsibilities of each level of government from What is Canada's Political System?

Can I vote?

Provincial elections happen every four years. To vote in an Ontario election, you must be all of the following:

  • A Canadian citizen
  • 18 years old or older
  • A resident of Ontario

Refugee claimants, temporary and permanent residents, cannot vote.

Can I vote if I have no fixed address or permanent home?

Yes, where you have slept and eaten most often in the past five weeks before an election is considered your home. Therefore, you can vote. You must get a temporary form of ID to vote. The Administrative Resources for Electors without a Permanent Address explains how to obtain a temporary ID to vote.

How do I register to vote?

When an election is called, the elections office will mail you a voter information card with instructions on when and where to vote. But, you must be registered with the most up-to-date personal information to vote. If you aren't sure if you’re registered, you can check, confirm, update or change your personal information on the Voter Registration page.

If you wait to register at your voting location, it will take extra time, and you will be required to complete a form.

When can I vote?

You can vote:

  • On election day.
  • At an advance poll, before election day.
  • By special ballot (by mail or at a local office).

You can take up to 3 consecutive hours off work on election day to vote during polling hours. Section 6.3 of Ontario’s Election Act states that your employer cannot deny you the time off work to vote.

What documents do I need to vote?

You must show proof of your identity and where you live. You can show either:

  • One document with your name, address and signature.
  • One document with your name and signature and a separate document with your name and address.

Get more information about acceptable proof.

If you cannot show acceptable proof, you can sign a statutory declaration to get a ballot.

Where do I go to vote?

Enter your postal code in the Elections Ontario Voter Information Service finder to see your electoral district.

How to Mark the Ballot and Cast your Vote.

The ballot will have a list of names of the candidates in your area and the political party they represent, as well as a white circle beside each candidate's name. You will need to: 

  • Go behind a screen so you can vote in private.
  • Put an X on the ballot in the circle next to the person you want to vote for.
  • Put your ballot in the ballot box. 

You’re finished voting.

Be careful not to spoil your ballot to make sure your vote counts:

  • Do not sign your name on the ballot.
  • Write "X" only.
  • Do not write anything else on your ballot.

You can get a new ballot if you make a mistake while marking your ballot.

For information in different languages on how to cast the vote, see the Guide to Marking the Ballot

Can I get help voting?

Yes, you can get help from a poll official, or a friend or relative but they should not decide on who to vote for you. You can also bring a service animal into any voting location.

If you don't speak or read English, you can bring someone to translate or interpret for you. They can help you to show your identification and get your ballot. They must take an oath before they can help you.

You can also download a PDF in 14 different languages with instructions on how to vote. 

Can I get help if I have accessibility requirements (special needs)?

Elections Ontario provides accessibility services for people with disabilities and special needs. For example, you might request a home visit to vote if you cannot go to a local election office. Find more information about accessibility in provincial elections.

Here are some examples of the assistive voting technology available. If you have questions or want to request a service, contact Elections Ontario.

Who am I voting for?

In a provincial election, you do not vote for the Premier or leader of the province directly. You vote for a Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) who represents each electoral district. Ontario has 124 electoral districts, so there are 124 MPP seats in the legislature (the number may change according to population growth) The candidate with the most votes in each district wins. 
The party that wins the most districts across the province is the winner, and its leader becomes Premier. 

How do I choose who to vote for?

Each candidate has different ideas about what is important, how to spend tax money, and how to solve problems. You need to decide what is important to you, and what you think is best for Ontario.

During an election period, candidates campaign and announce their ideas and what they think is important. Candidates distribute flyers, visit door-to-door, and promote media (TV, radio, social media) advertisements, as well as speak at community meetings. Groups in your community may also organize an All Candidates Meeting, where candidates from all the parties will speak and answer your questions.

You can also find out more about what candidates and their parties think about issues by phoning their election offices or visiting their websites. Visit the political parties in Ontario for more information.

Who can I call if I have any questions about elections or voting?

Before the election, you can call or visit your returning officer. They make sure that the voters' list is correct and that all the voting is done properly.

You can also contact Elections Ontario:

For More Information

  • Elections Ontario - Elections Ontario organizes and conducts provincial elections in Ontario and provides information to voters about how, when, and where to vote.
  • Voter Identification - Find out what kinds of identification you can use to vote.
Last updated: January 31, 2025 4000561