Traveling by Bicycle in Ontario

There are many ways you can travel around Ontario with your bicycle.

More and more people choose to commute by bicycle regularly because of its many benefits: it is a fast and convenient form of transportation during peak traffic hours, it is cheaper than owning a car, and it is a great way to do some exercise and stay healthy.

There are also many trails around Ontario for recreational cycling. Recreational trails give you the opportunity to enjoy nature while cycling and to participate in other activities that some of these trails offer.

Use Tools to Plan Your Route

You can use online interactive maps such as Google Maps to find the safest route for getting to your destination. In Google Maps, for instance, you can type in your start and end points and click on the bicycle icon for the website to display a route with suggested off-street bike paths and on-street bike lanes. Some municipalities in Ontario also publish cycling maps that show where off-street bike paths and on-street bike lanes are located.

Bicycles on Public Transit

Many public transit systems in Ontario allow you to take your bicycle with you inside the vehicle during off-peak hours at no extra charge. If buses are equipped with bike racks, you can use them anytime.

Keep this in mind if your destination is too far to cycle all the way. You could take public transit for part of your route but cycle to and/or from a transit stop. This way, you can get a small workout from your commute.

Travelling by Bicycle across Ontario

Cycling is also a great way to visit different places across Ontario. You can take your bicycle with you on a train to travel part of the way and then continue the journey on your bicycle. Explore these links to find out more about such trips:

There are many resources, blogs, and online communities to help you find different routes, learn from the experiences of other cyclists, and connect with others who are interested in going on a cycling trip.

You can find out more about cycling activities through different organized groups in your community, and you can find them on social media.

For More Information

  • - This website is the official trip planner and one-stop transportation information resource for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. From Metrolinx.
  • Ontario Trails Council - An organization that promotes the use of trails in Ontario. Their website has a search tool for finding trails and offers information on the recommended activities on each trail.
Last updated: March 5, 2024 4001570