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Help Your Child Succeed in School
My child is struggling in school. How can I help?
Every child will have the occasional school struggle, this is normal. If you notice that struggle becomes a frequent issue there are things you can do to help support your child.
What is an Individual Education Plan (IEP)?
An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is a written plan that describes special education programs, supports and services for a student that has different learning needs that may not be supported in the classroom.
What kind of supports can my child get through school?
If you are new to the Ontario school system and you have a child that needs extra help in school, you will be glad to know that there are many supports available.
Parent Teacher Interviews (Elementary School) - Video
This short video follows a family's parent-teacher interview with their child's grade 4 teacher. This video can help you learn what to expect at a parent-teacher interview.
Parent-Teacher Interviews (Secondary School) - Video
This video follows 2 parents who meet with their child’s math teacher at the parent-teacher interview.
New Moves: An Orientation Video for Newcomer Students
This video features 14 youth talking about their adjustment to school in Canada and what helped them be successful.
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For Our Kids - Video
This video features 9 newcomer parents talking about how they helped their children be successful in school and the importance of parent involvement in the Ontario education system.
Full-Day Kindergarten: A Question and Answer Guide for Parents
This document describes what full day kindergarten is, how your child may benefit, who will support your child’s learning and how you can be involved.
Homework - Tips for Parents
One way to help children succeed in school is to support them as they do homework. This tip sheet answers your questions about homework and gives you some helpful ideas. From People for Education. Available in more than 10 languages.
Solving Problems at School
When you have a question or a concern about your child’s education, you may not know who to talk to. This multilingual tip sheet provides a clear step-by-step process for solving problems.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Discover how to prepare for parent-teacher interviews so that you can find out how your child is doing in school. This guide is available in 10 languages.
What is a SWIS worker?
The SWIS program is a school-based settlement service for immigrants, refugees, and other eligible clients to meet their immediate settlement or ongoing needs after they arrive in Canada. This program is funded by IRCC.
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How can I help my child with making an informed career choice?
Helping your child make career choices that are appropriate for their skills, interests and lifestyle preferences can be challenging. This article includes tips on how to support your child with these difficult decisions.