Where can I find information about Ontario companies?

You can find information about Ontario companies in libraries, community agencies and on the internet.

Business Directories

Business directories are useful sources of information about Ontario companies. You can read them for free in public libraries and at some community organizations that focus on employment. Sometimes you have to pay a fee to read them from the internet.

Examples of business directories include:


You have to pay for many business and industry directories on the internet. However, you can read them for free in public libraries.

Reference Librarians can help you search online databases of company information. Contact your local library to find out more about what they have to offer you. To find a library, go to Services Near Me and search for "library" in your area.

Community Agencies

You can find many of these directories at your local employment service provider.

For more information, go to What employment services are available in my community? You can search for different kinds of employment services in Ontario with this tool operated by Employment Ontario.

Company and Industry Websites

Many websites have information about companies and general labour market information.

  • SEDAR (System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval) - Detailed information about public companies, mutual funds and mutual fund groups. This includes their addresses, contact information and stock exchange listings. All Canadian public companies and mutual funds have to file their documents in the SEDAR system.
  • Business Information by Sector - Information about hundreds of Canadian associations. These profiles can include recent business, technological and employment trends, company directories and industry-specific news.
  • North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) - NAICS is an industry classification system. It has common definitions of the industrial structure of Canadian, U.S. and Mexican economies. From Statistics Canada.

Job Listing Websites

Job listing websites have information about the companies that post jobs there. They often link to the company's website.

These websites can give you information about companies that are hiring.

Find more information about job listing websites.

Canada 411

You can find a company's address or phone number on the Canada411 website. These are online company listings. Search a company by name to find its phone number and address.

Search Engine

You can use an internet search engine to look for information about a specific company. All you need to know is the company's name.

Last updated: August 24, 2023 4001093