What are pre-arrival services?

Pre-arrival services are free online or in-person programs for people who have been approved to immigrate to Canada.

Pre-arrival services offer information to better understand life in Canada, how to find a job, and how to access other free settlement services when you arrive in Canada. Some programs offer specific information according to your profession or destination, such as language training and essential skills training in the workplace.

You can access most pre-arrival services if you meet these 2 requirements:

Some programs also have additional eligibility criteria.

Examples of pre-arrival services include:

  • Active Engagement and Integration Project (AEIP) - Overseas services such as community engagement programs and job training. Provided by SUCCESS.
  • Build ON - Online services for newcomers who want to work in the Skilled Trades in Ontario. Provided by the YMCA.
  • Canadian Employment Connections - A program that provides sector-specific training and job search services to newcomers as they prepare to immigrate to Canada. Provided by ACCES Employment.
  • CanPrep - Specialized services to help you connect with careers in any province in Canada that match your specific education background and experience. Provided by JVS Toronto.
  • ConnexionsFrancophones.ca - Offers employment services to Francophone newcomers before you land in Canada. Provided in partnership by La Cité.
  • Go Talent Initiative ICTC - Connects employers with internationally educated professionals (IEPs) with an IT background.
  • Integrating Newcomers provided by British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA) - Helps newcomers find jobs in construction in British Columbia.
  • International Canadian Orientation Abroad (COA) - Orientation initiatives for refugees, economic and family class immigrants, including spouses and dependents. COA has 20 permanent training sites internationally and operates in 40 countries. Provided by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
  • Next Stop Canada - An online pre-arrival service offering essential and updated information and orientation on topics such as settlement, employment, housing, health, language and much more. Provided by the YMCA of Greater Toronto.
  • Orientation to Ontario - Offers online webinars, resources and a settlement plan personalized to your needs to help you start preparing to come to Ontario. Provided by COSTI Immigrant Services.
  • Pre-Arrival  Supports and Services Program (PASS)  - An online program to help internationally trained nurses moving to Canada find work faster. 
  • Planning for Canada - In-person and online orientation sessions to economic and family-class immigrants worldwide. Gives access to information, resources, and contacts to help you and your family succeed in the Canadian workplace and community. Provided by Canadian Orientation Abroad (COA) and the Canadian Immigrant Integration Program (CIIP).
  • Pre-arrival Supports and Services (PASS) - Online supports and services to internationally trained nurses to start their career in Canada. Provided by the CARE Centre for Internationally Educated Nurses.
  • PrepCan - Online employment services, such as labour market information, resume writing, developing interview skills, and job searches. Provided by the Centre for Education and Training.
  • Settlement Online Pre-Arrival (SOPA) - Pre-arrival orientation, employment, and workplace culture support for new immigrants focusing on job search, job readiness and job retention. Provided by ISANS. 
NOTE: Some services may change or become unavailable from time to time so please check with the list below on the government websites for the most up-to-date list of services.

For More Information

  • Get Help Before You Arrive - Find a full updated list of pre-arrival services to meet your needs. From the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website.
  • Prepare for Life in Canada - Information to help you find a job, learn English or French, get your credentials assessed, and more. From the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
  • My First Days - A guide to your first two weeks in Ontario. From Settlement.Org.
Last updated: July 4, 2024 4006103