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Immigration & Citizenship
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Protecting My Rights
What should I know about the Canadian Census?
The census is how the government counts the population and gathers information that helps different levels of government make plans and decisions. The next census will be in May 2026.
What human rights protection does Canada offer?
Human rights are an important part of Canadian law.
What human rights protection does Ontario offer?
In Ontario, human rights are protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Ontario Human Rights Code.
What are my religious rights?
Discrimination because of religion is against the law in Canada.
What can I do if I was seriously injured by the police?
How to report police brutality and abuse.
What is workplace sexual harassment and how do I report it?
What to do if you are being sexually harassed at work and how to identify it.
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What are non-gendered or nonbinary pronouns in gender identity?
An explanation of how we use gender-inclusive pronouns.
What are my rights as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, questioning, intersex or asexual (LGBTQIA+) person in Canada?
Discrimination because of sexual orientation and gender identity is against the law in Canada.
What are my rights as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer or questioning (LGBTQIA+) person at work?
You have the right to be free from harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
What can I do if I’m harassed on the street or public transit?
Tips on what to do if you're being harassed in public.
What is a family status work accommodation?
Explains the employee/employer responsibilities when asking for flexible work conditions if you have caregiving needs.
What can I do if I feel harassed or discriminated against?
If you are experiencing problems and feel discriminated against, there are organizations in your area that can help you.
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What is Canada’s Emergencies Act?
Canada’s Emergencies Act is a federal law that can be used by the federal government in the event of a national emergency; it is used to maintain peace and order in Canada.
What is the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario?
The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) receives and deals with complaints of discrimination under the Ontario Human Rights Code.
What is the Age of Majority and how does it affect me?
The age of majority is the age when you are legally considered to be an adult. The age of majority is different in other provinces, but in Ontario it is 18 years old.
How do I deal with racism and xenophobia?
If you experience racism and xenophobia, there are a few things you can do personally to help you cope and actions you can take to hold someone accountable if you choose to do so.
What is a service animal?
Service animals are not pets, they are working animals with a job to do.
How do I file a claim with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario?
You can make a discrimination claim with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) by filling out an application.
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What is human trafficking?
Human trafficking is when people are moved, forced, or tricked into doing work or activities they don’t want to do, often involving sexual exploitation or forced labour. It is a human rights violation.
What is the Ombudsman of Ontario?
The Ombudsman of Ontario investigates complaints about services provided by the provincial government and its organizations.
I have a disability. How do I ask for accommodations at work?
You can ask for reasonable accommodations at any point during your employment once you know that you need a change in your job due to your disability.