Changes to Spousal Sponsorship Procedures

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Government of Canada has announced changes to spousal reunification applications. A spouse is considered to be someone you are married to, your conjugal partner or your common-law partner. The three major changes to spousal reunification applications are that:

  • Most spousal applications will be processed within 12 months after they are received.
  • Applications that have already been submitted will receive a decision by December 2017.
  • Canada plans to admit 17,000 more spouses and dependents in 2017 than in previous years.

If you are considering sponsoring a family member to join you in Canada it is important to understand if you and the person you are sponsoring are eligible for sponsorship before you apply.

Also, the Government of Canada has announced a new, simpler spousal sponsorship application kit that will be available as of December 15, 2016. You can learn more about these changes on