What is the Scanning Code of Practice (SCOP)?

The Scanning Code of Practice (SCOP) is a voluntary code that allows you to get a small discount if an item you are buying is scanned incorrectly.

If a participating retailer scans an item at checkout, and the price appears higher than the advertised price or the price that is displayed in the store , you can get a discount on the item you are buying. 

For example, if the item you are buying has an advertised price of $19.99 and it scans as $20.00, you can get a discount.

What kind of discount can i get?

  • If the item that was incorrectly scanned costs $10 or less, you can get this product for free.

  • If the item that was incorrectly scanned costs $10 or more, you can get a discount of $10.  

  • If many of the same items with the same barcode are scanned incorrectly, the discount only applies tothe first item. 

What is the final scanned price?

The final scanned price is the price shown during checkout after any rebates, coupons or discounts are applied.

What is not eligible for a discount?

A product will not be eligible for a SCOP discount if:

  • It is a government regulated product (e.g. tobacco)

  • It is a regulated item that cannot be provided for free

  • It is a prescription drug or a behind-the-counter item

  • The price on the barcode or shelf label has been tampered with

  • The advertised sale price is a mistake, and the retailer posts a corrected price

  • It has a sticker with a different price (you will pay this price if it is scanned incorrectly).

What happens when I report a scanning error? 

 If you report an error during checkout  at a participating store, the cashier can apply the discount for you. 

If you are unhappy with the cashier’s decision, you can ask to speak to a store manager or a company representative. They have one month to resolve the issue. If they take longer than a month, you can contact the Scanner Price Accuracy Committee at 1-866-499-4599 or speak to a lawyer.

What stores participate in the SCOP?

The code is voluntary, so not every store participates in SCOP. However, many major retailers have agreed to use it. All participating stores should have a SCOP notice visible at the entrance and near checkout.  

The Retail Council of Canada keeps a list of participating stores.

For More Information

Last updated: June 24, 2019 4006377