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Applying for a Job
How can I create an effective LinkedIn profile?
LinkedIn is a great tool to connect with existing contacts and other people in your field. Creating a strong LinkedIn profile can help you in your job search and career.
Tips for Finding Work Before you Arrive
You've obtained your permanent residence status but haven't landed yet and you are are eager to find work once you arrive to Canada. Here are some tips to help you do that.
How can I use Social Media in my job search?
Social media offers great tools to help you in your job search. It can help you build your network, learn more about your industry, and find job opportunities.
How do I find a job in corporate finance?
Tips for what employers in the finance sector look for when hiring a new candidate.
Why should I get help to find work?
There are many community agencies that provide employment services for newcomers to Ontario and even more agencies that provide services to all residents in a community.
How can I prepare an effective online job application?
When you are applying to jobs online, there are several steps you can take to improve your chances of getting a call for an interview.
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What kinds of networking events can I attend?
Through networking events, you can meet new people and develop professional connections that can help you in your career.
What should I know about virtual interviews?
Virtual interviews have become quite common and they are a way for employers to interview candidates using online tools. It is also called a video or digital interview.
Infographic on how to look for a job in Canada
This infographic provides tips on how to look for a job in Canada. These tips include networking, doing information interviews, using social media and volunteering.
What is the Job Bank?
The Job Bank is a large government website with job postings and labour market information. It has over a million jobs posted each year.
How can I find work if I don’t speak English well?
It can be difficult to find a job as a newcomer. It can be even more difficult if you don’t speak English well. Even if you have the skills and qualifications to do a job, language barriers might make it harder for you to get hired.
How do I apply for a job?
To apply for a job in Canada, usually you have to send a cover letter and a resume to the employer.
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How do I get a criminal record check?
A criminal record check is a search you can request from the police for a listing of any crimes you may have been charged with. Depending on where you live, you can contact your regional or municipal police service to apply to have a records check done.
How do I apply for a job by email or online?
To apply for a job online or by email, you need some basic internet tools and skills.
How hard is it to find work in Ontario?
It is not easy to find work in Canada that corresponds with your skills and experience. You need to find out what employers expect, in your specific occupation or industry, in the city where you plan to settle.
How important is Canadian experience?
Many newcomers face barriers to getting hired because they do not have "Canadian experience." Some employers may not know how to evaluate your skills and experience. You need to show that you know Canadian legislation, codes or ways of doing things.
What are references? Who should I ask to be a reference?
References are people who can talk about your work experience, work habits, character and skills. You should choose your references carefully.
What is an informational interview?
An informational interview is a meeting you set up with someone who can give you information and advice on career and work issues. It is also a way to build new contacts.
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I have a disability. How do I ask for accommodations at work?
You can ask for reasonable accommodations at any point during your employment once you know that you need a change in your job due to your disability.