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How much does it cost to rent an apartment in Ontario?
The cost to rent an apartment in Ontario depends on the property size (number of bedrooms), the neighbourhood location, and the age and condition of the apartment.
Prices vary from year to year and depending on the city. Generally, smaller cities have lower rental costs than larger cities. The average price in Toronto and the GTA for 2023 has increased to $2300.
Here is a sample of rental prices across Ontario:
- Barrie & Area - $1860 1BR, $2400 2BR
- Belleville & Area - $1600 1BR, $2200 2BR
- Brantford & Area - $1650 1BR, $1900 2BR
- Guelph & Area - $2050, $2400 2BR
- Hamilton & Area - $1603 1BR, $2063 2BR
- Kingston & Area - $1400 1BR, $2000 2BR
- Kitchener & Area - $2000 1BR, $2500 2BR
- London & Area - $1678 1BR, $2023 2BR
- St. Catharines - Niagara & Area - $1451 1BR, $1899 2BR
- Oshawa & Area - $1880 1BR, $2150 2BR
- Ottawa & Area - $2000 1BR, $2400 2BR
- Peterborough & Area - $1650 1BR, $2000 2BR
- Sudbury & Area - $1449 1BR, $1599 2BR
- Thunder Bay & Area - $1092 1BR, $1600 2BR
- Toronto & Area - $2500 1BR, $3400 2BR
- Windsor & Area - $1159 1BR, $1670 2BR
BR = Bedroom
The rent prices in this article were determined by an average of what is reported on different rental market resources. You can also visit the yearly rental market reports on the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Rental Market Report page.
Find rental properties through our "How do I look for rental housing?" article.
If you would like more information about rental pricing and trends, you can also call a housing help centre or community agency, or search in the Services Near Me section by using the words "housing assistance" in your area.
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For More Information
- CLEO - Landlord & Tenant Law - Find clear language publications on the rights of tenants in rental housing.
- Landlord and Tenant Board - Provides information about the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) and resolves disputes between most residential landlords and tenants.
Last updated:
January 26, 2023