Where can I get my international credentials evaluated for education?

Before studying in Canada, you might need to have your educational documents evaluated.

Each college and university has a process for evaluating your previous education.

You can contact the college or university directly to learn about their process. If your educational documents are not in English, you may need to get them translated. Some schools may accept documents in French.

Generally, elementary and secondary (high) schools can evaluate your child's education.

Colleges, Universities and Institutes

Each college, university, and institute has a process for evaluating your previous education and deciding whether to admit you as a student. Some may evaluate your previous education, while others may ask for a report from an evaluation service.

You should contact the admissions department to learn more about your school's admissions requirements.

You may want to ask:

  • Do you evaluate my credentials, or do I need an evaluation from another organization?
  • If you do the evaluation, is there a fee?
  • What types of documentation do you require? (transcripts, diplomas, letters)
  • Does the former school have to send you the documents directly? Or can I give you the documents?
  • Can I submit photocopies, or do they have to be certified originals?
  • Do the documents need to be translated into English? If so, what are the school's guidelines for choosing a translator?
  • If I need an evaluation from another organization, which organizations do you accept?

Credential Evaluation for Education Options

This is a short list of some organizations that provide credential evaluation services. They all have different processes, but they will each conduct an assessment and provide reports that may help employers, education institutions, immigration officials, and community agencies understand the education you completed outside Canada.

If you need to evaluate your credentials for employment, go to Where can I get my international credentials evaluated for employment?

Elementary or Secondary School

When you enrol your child, bring your child's educational documents, such as report cards, with you. Your child may take some tests that help the school determine what they have learned before. The school will place your child into the appropriate grade.

For More Information

Last updated: August 28, 2024 4001111