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Public and Community Health
How can I donate blood?
Blood and blood products are essential for everyday medical care. Blood products collected through voluntary donations are often used for major operations, certain medical procedures, cancer treatments and the management of certain illnesses.
How do I access abortion services in Ontario?
Abortions are available across Ontario and covered by OHIP until 24 weeks gestation; however not every city has equal access.
What is the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program?
The Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program (OSDCP) offers routine dental services for eligible seniors aged 65 and over.
What is the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)?
The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) is a federal program that will help cover some of the cost of various oral health care services for eligible residents of Canada.
What are community health centres?
Community Health Centres (CHC) services help people in your community get health care and attend programs regardless of their life situation or financial status.
What I Need to Know About the COVD-19 Vaccines
Multilingual factsheets with information about the vaccines.
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What is a Community Hub?
You will find community hubs in most neighbourhoods. They are public spaces that offer multiple community services under one roof.
What is Public Health?
Public Health units are responsible for the protection and promotion of health and wellbeing of the general public. Public Health aims to improve the overall health of the population.
Who should get a flu shot?
Fact sheets from the Ministry of Health on who should get a flu shot and why.
What is a virtual emergency department?
A virtual emergency department is an online consultation with an emergency doctor when you need attention right away.
What is community-based health care?
Community-based health care is for people of all ages who need health care assistance at home. Community care services include home support, nursing, physiotherapy and other rehabilitation services.
Where can I get medical help if I don't have a family doctor?
If you do not have a family doctor, you can get medical help from a walk-in clinic, Community Health Centre (CHC), Health Connect Ontario.
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Where can I find low-cost health care?
If you don't have OHIP, you can get free or low-cost health care at a Community Health Centre (CHC).
What resources are available for people who are deaf or hard of hearing?
There are different types of supports and services available for people who are deaf or hard of hearing as well as their families. If you think that you may have hearing loss the first step is to have your hearing assessed.
What mental health support can I receive after miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss?
A loss, even in the early weeks of pregnancy, can trigger mental health issues for the parents and their families. Along with the physical healing, there will be a grieving process.
Can I get a flu shot (vaccine)?
Ontario has a universal flu immunization program. This means that people who live, work or attend school in Ontario can choose to get the flu shot (vaccine) for free.
Where can I get health care if I don't have OHIP?
You still have healthcare options if you don't have Ontario Health Insurance (OHIP) or other healthcare coverage.
What are perinatal mood disorders?
Perinatal mood disorders can occur during pregnancy or in the first year after the arrival of a new baby. People may also use terms like postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, or postpartum mood disorder instead.
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Newborn Screening Ontario
This multilingual document provides information on newborn testing. All babies in Ontario are tested for rare disorders in order to reduce the possibility of health problems later in life.
What vaccinations does my child need?
These are the proper vaccinations your children must obtain before attending school in Ontario.
Tenant Rights: Bed Bugs
This article has information about your rights as a tenant in Ontario, if you find bed bugs in your home. From the Government of Ontario. Available in more than 25 languages.
How do I register as an organ and tissue donor?
You must register your consent with the Government of Ontario even if you have already signed a donor card. Your choice to be a donor allows you to save up to eight lives and help up to 75 others, even after your death.
Services for Children Who are Blind or Have Low Vision
Ontario’s Blind – Low Vision Early Intervention Program is designed to give children who are born blind or with low vision the best possible start in life. Specialized family-centred services are funded by the province and are available for children.
Does OHIP cover physiotherapy?
Seniors and eligible patients can access publicly funded clinic-based services in communities across the province, covered under the Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP).
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