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Employment Services
How to Edit and Proofread your Resume so that Recruiters See it
Steps you can take to edit and proofread your resume so that recruiters consider you for a job.
How can an ELT program help me improve my business language skills and career?
Enhanced language training helps professionals improve their language skills while they learn about the Canadian job market.
What employment services are available in my community?
Many communities offer free employment services to help you look for a job, plan your career or start your own business.
Why should I get help to find work?
There are many community agencies that provide employment services for newcomers to Ontario and even more agencies that provide services to all residents in a community.
How do I find a job in corporate finance?
Tips for what employers in the finance sector look for when hiring a new candidate.
How can one-on-one employment services help me?
Every settlement agency in Ontario can give you some help to get started in your job search. They may have the job search program you want, an employment counsellor on site, or they can help you find the program that is right for you.
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How can mentoring programs help me?
Mentors work one-on-one with you to help you achieve your employment goals while you are seeking work. You might learn about job search techniques, get assistance with your résumé, improve your interview skills and expand your network of contacts.
How can group programs with placements help me?
Some programs have co-op placements, work placements, mentoring and volunteering for newcomers to Ontario. These can help you to get some of the valuable "Canadian experience" you may have heard employers ask for.
How can I find work if I don’t speak English well?
It can be difficult to find a job as a newcomer. It can be even more difficult if you don’t speak English well. Even if you have the skills and qualifications to do a job, language barriers might make it harder for you to get hired.
How can group programs with no placement help me?
There are many group programs that do not have a work placement, but can be very helpful to you in finding a job.
Professional Immigrant Networks (PINs)
PINs associations help their members prepare for the Canadian workplace and connect to employment opportunities. They are run by and for skilled immigrants. To learn about PINs associations, search the directory for an association in your field.
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