When can I file a claim with the Ministry of Labour?

If you believe that your employer violated your rights, and you do not work for a union, you can file a claim with the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development.

Filing a claim can help if you think your employer violated the Employment Standards Act (ESA). Most workers in Ontario are covered by the ESA. Find more information about your rights under the ESA in What are my rights as a worker in Ontario?

You can find information about when and how to file a claim in:

  • Filing an ESA Claim - Information about how to file an Employment Standards claim. From the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development.

Time Limit

There is a time limit to file a claim. Generally, this is 2 years.


If you work for a union, you need to make your application to the Ontario Labour Relations Board.

What Happens Next

After you file your claim, the Ministry will try to get your employer to solve the problem. For more information, go to What happens after I file a claim with the Ministry of Labour?

For More Information

Last updated: February 17, 2022 4001121