What are bridging programs for internationally-trained professionals and tradespeople?

Bridging programs can help you if you have education and work experience, and you want to work in your field in Ontario.

These programs can be useful for jobs that are regulated in Ontario. But, you can also find bridging programs for non-regulated jobs.

The process of getting a licence or certificate can be long and frustrating. You have to pay for credential assessment, certification or examinations. Bridging programs can help you be better prepared and more successful with the licensing or certification process. Usually, you get classroom training and/or workplace experience, so you can move more quickly into the labour market without re-learning what you already know.

These programs have been put together by employers, colleges and universities, occupational regulatory bodies, and community organizations. Each bridging program is different and may provide you with:

  • An assessment of your education and skills
  • A clinical or workplace experience
  • Skills training or targeted academic training programs
  • Preparation for a licence or certification examination
  • Language training for your profession or trade
  • Individual learning plans to identify any added training you may need

Paying for Bridging Program Fees

Generally, you have to pay a fee for these programs.

You can apply for the Ontario Bridge Training Bursary to help cover the costs of eligible bridge training programs. You do not have to pay back this bursary.

If you want to borrow money, note that not all bridging programs are eligible for the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Other options include micro-loan programs such as the Windmill Microlending and other loan programs.

Pre-Bridging Programs

These programs help you improve your English language skills and learn workplace-specific terms and vocabulary.

Find Bridging Programs

  • Ontario Bridge Training - A list of bridge training programs supported by the Ontario government. From the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration.
  • CanadaInfoNet - Provides mentoring resources for professionals, business and tradespeople who are new to Canada or are considering immigrating to Canada.
  • Working in Ontario - Information about getting licensed in your profession or trade, bridging programs, credential assessment and more. From the Government of Ontario website.
Last updated: June 6, 2024 4001174