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Domestic Abuse
What help is available for gender-based violence?
Learn about gender-based violence and what help is available to you or someone who is a victim of abuse.
What is domestic abuse?
Abuse means that someone hurts you mentally or physically. Domestic abuse is when a family member or romantic partner (spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend) does this.
What are community health centres?
Community Health Centres (CHC) services help people in your community get health care and attend programs regardless of their life situation or financial status.
What do immigrants and refugees need to know about domestic abuse?
Ontario criminal law and family law protect you against domestic abuse. If you are a permanent resident, you will not lose your status for reporting abuse or leaving an abusive relationship.
Where can I get help for domestic abuse?
You can get help in an emergency, in a crisis, or anytime that you experience abuse. You can get help in many ways.
What is child abuse?
Child abuse is harm that is physical, sexual or emotional inflicted on a child. Neglect is also a form of abuse.
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What is elder abuse?
Elder abuse is hurt or neglect of a senior (elderly) person. Often, it is done by someone who is responsible for caring for the senior person.
Where can I get health care if I don't have OHIP?
You still have healthcare options if you don't have Ontario Health Insurance (OHIP) or other healthcare coverage.
What age can my child be left alone at home?
As a parent you are required to adequately provide for the supervision of your children at all times. Parents and legal guardians are ultimately responsible for the safety of children in their care.
Children's Aid: Information for Parents
A children's aid society (CAS) has a duty to protect children under age 16. This fact sheet is produced by CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario).
What You Should Know About Family Law in Ontario
This publication has information about the laws that may affect you if you separate from your spouse.
Abuse is Wrong in Any Language
This booklet is for people new to Ontario who are suffering from abuse in a relationship or in a family. If you know someone who is abused, give them this booklet.
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What is an AMBER Alert?
The AMBER Alert system is set up to give you immediate and up-to-date information about child abduction (kidnapping) in your area.
Creating a Safety Plan
This guide has many suggestions and ideas that an abused woman can use to create a safety plan for herself and her children.
You and Your Baby... Abuse and Pregnancy
A tip sheet about how to identify abuse during pregnancy and get help. From the Best Start Resource Centre. Available in different languages.